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One of the world's best olive oils is produced on the Domaine de Gerbaud in Provence, France.

For a second year running our Grande Cuvée Gerbaud extra virgin olive oil DPO Provence has won gold at the prestigious New York International Olive Oil Competition amongst 1 156 entries from the southern and northern hemispheres.

This powerful medium olive oil has an intense fruitiness with excellent aromas and finishes with a well-marked intensity and bitterness. Think of swirling liquid almonds and hazelnuts, green grass, apples, tomato leaves and green artichokes about in your mouth …the tastes of Provence captured in a bottle!

Produced on a tiny Provencal olive estate in one of Europe’s smallest olive oil producing countries. A rare, tasty treat indeed!

Available in 75cl & 50cl bottles and 3-litre tubes. There are limited quantities of olive oil available in Provence and London.

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